I'm a member at the Winchester club, its pretty sweet. Junior promotions are subject to change without notice. Its real estate consists of single family homes, carriage homes, and condominiums. or Would you consider LCC more exclusive? It's located in Ft. In 1999, the state Human Rights Commission began investigating Idle. A tennis guest fee entitles a guest to use the tennis and pool facilities, while a pool guest fee allows only the use of the pool. after DST endsbut not mandatory December - February. on weekends and holidays during Daylight Savings Time and 12 p.m. The town still lacked a special locus for social recreation. It's also ridiculously expensive but hey, if you've got the money and are an avid golfer, it's one of the nicer courses. Alright, which of you jaberonies is this? The result was the founding of the Lexington Country Club on beautiful Paris Pike in Fayette County. School Hours: Opening time weekdays is 4:00 when Lexington School District One is in session. I do know that LCC still does not have any African American members. Until 2010, Idle Hour Country Club had no black members when former Kentucky college star and NBA player Sam Bowie was accepted as the club's first black member. If you want to get a sense of the clientele that goes there, go to the tulip bistro. So over one hundred years ago, some of central Kentucky's most prominent citizens gathered to form a golf club modeled on the best of such clubs in the United States. Regular Member: When there is an opening for Regular Membership, Limited Members are offered this membership level in order of the waiting list for Regular Membership.

on weekends and holidays during dayling savings time and before The result was the founding of the Lexington Country Club on beautiful Paris Pike in Fayette County.

Applications for the general wait list are no longer being accepted. ago So I got some "current" information on LCC not Idle Hour.
Juniors 15 and under: free cart fee with full paying adult after 12 p.m. Certain restrictions will apply for eligibility in each category Annual Fee $99 Membership Benefits include: Two Golf Rounds and Cart (Alum Membership holder only) Your choice of Two Tickets to EKU Football, Basketball, Baseball or other Varsity Sport. The Country Club of Lexington is a family-oriented social and recreational organization, proud of its history, reverent of its legacy, whose purpose is to create a sense of community among its members in a relaxed environment while providing the quality of services and facilities desired in a fiscally responsible manner. November - December 1:00 PM All Annual Passholders pay a $5.00 green fee and a $14.00 cart fee for an 18 hole round, 7 days a week for one year from the date of annual pass purchase. Family:Entitles Member, their spouse or significant other and unmarried dependent children under the age of 23, who live in the same household as the Club Member, the use of Club facilities and programs. The Club then holds a lottery during which numbers are drawn one-by-one to determine the order of the waiting list. For more Information about Membership at The Club at UK's Spindletop Hall Please call: 85 E-mail: Or request information online by clicking here Memberships Available to University of Kentucky Faculty, Staff, Alumni and Associate Members of the UK Alumni Association. A picturesque experience with Golf, Tennis, Weddings and Dining. Membership Categories WAIT LIST ON THE FOLLOWING Silver Seniors:Entitles those age 62-71 in both the Couple and Individual categories the use of Club facilities and programs. March - October 2:00 PM December, January and February carts are optional. Master the golf course at Lexington Golf Club as anAnnual Passholder of one the county's finest golf facilities. A golf guest fee entitles a guest to use all of the facilities of the club.