It’s a very valuable investment if ETA accuracy is of essence. for fleet management, where each vehicle is an asset), costs are within a few Euro per asset per year. In the case of an asset-based TomTom contract (e.g. Purchasing appropriate data is less expensive than most people assume. While /route and /isochrones support traffic, /sources_to_targets (aka /matrix) does not. Note, that not all actions/endpoints support traffic-/time-aware calculations. If in a pinch, for most use cases historical traffic data is far more valuable than real-time traffic data. Meanwhile other speed data sources such as historical traffic data will be blended into the routing calculations at the same rate the impact of live traffic lessens. Internally, live traffic is mostly used in close proximity to the route’s origin point and its influence deteriorates linearly moving away from the origin. Ideally, Valhalla is operated with both traffic signatures. TomTom or HERE, for optimal ETA calculation on short and long routes historical traffic: Valhalla supports up to 5 mins intervals of historical traffic data from e.g.TomTom or HERE in your Valhalla routing engine instance, for optimal ETA calculation in shorter routes live traffic: Integrate a live traffic feed from e.g.Real-Time and Historical Traffic in ValhallaĪpart from its numerous unique features, Valhalla, as the only FOSS routing engine, also has fully integrated support for traffic data: FastAPI – MVT Vector Tiles with Authorization fastapi.Map Matching in PostGIS with Valhalla and PL/Python postgis.Measuring Distances and Why Projections Matter postgis.Serving Digital Elevation Models postgrest.Run Valhalla with Docker on Ubuntu valhalla.Enable Elevation Support for Valhalla valhalla.Customized Routing for Pleasant Hiking pgrouting.Open Source Routing Engines And Algorithms An Overview.Plugin Development Reference Guide plugins.QGIS 3 Plugin Tutorial – Geocoding with Nominatim Part 4 (Tests & CI).Plugin – Geocoding with Nominatim Part 3 (Best Practices).Plugin – Geocoding with Nominatim Part 2 (Interactivity).

Plugin – Geocoding with Nominatim Part 1 (First Steps).Geocoding Points with HERE Maps actions.QGIS 3 Plugin Tutorial – Background Processing.

Visit Google's Privacy Policy to learn more about how we keep your data private, safe and secure. This includes differential privacy, which adds artificial noise to our datasets, enabling us to generate insights while preventing the identification of any individual person. We also used the same world-class anonymization technology used in our products every day to keep your activity data private and secure. People who have Location History turned on can choose to turn it off at any time from their Google Account and can always delete Location History data directly from their Timeline. Insights in these reports were created with aggregated, anonymized sets of data from users who had turned on the Location History setting, which is off by default. No personally identifiable information, such as an individual’s location, contacts or movement, was made available at any point. The Community Mobility Reports were developed to be helpful while adhering to our stringent privacy protocols and protecting people’s privacy.